Kansas City ASL

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  • March Madness 10th Mountain Division Pack

    March Madness 10th Mountain Division Pack

    The 10th Mountain Div Pack

    MM82 Patrolling The Gothic Line - North of San Marcello, Italy, 13 January 1945. Newly arrived American troops patrol in deep snow. 7.5 Turns.

    MM83 Riva Ridge - Mount Cappel Buso, Riva Ridge, Italy, 18/19 January 1945. First major attack of the 10th Mountain in an exciting assault in difficult terrain. 7.5 Turns.

    MM84 Mount Belvedere - Mount Belvedere, Italy, 19-20 February 1945. The Americans begin their attack at night against dug-in Germans on the Mount Belvedere – Mount della Torracia ridgeline. Part one of four interconnected scenarios. 9 Turns.

    MM85 Hill 1088 - Mt. Belvedere - Mt. della Torraccia Ridgeline, 20 February 1945. The Americans continue their attack from Mount Belvedere toward Mount della Torraccia. Part two of four interconnected scenarios. 10 Turns.

    MM86 Mount Della Torraccia - Mount della Torraccia, 24 February 1945. The Americans make their final, successful assault against Mount della Torraccia. Part three of four interconnected scenarios. 9 Turns.

    MM87 Gebirsjäger & Mountaineers - Mount della Torraccia, 24-25 February 1945. British paratroopers rush to defend crucial defensive positions around their landing zones from a rapid German response. 9 Turns.

    MM88 A Medal For G Company - North of Monte della Spe, Italy, 14 April 1945. The Americans are attacking in this scenario where the division won its only Medal of Honor in WW2. 6 Turns.

    MM89 Task Force Darby - Villafranca Airport, Italy, 24 April 1945. American 10th Mountain Troops are racing north toward the Alps, mopping up German stragglers in one of the last offensives of WW2. 6 Turns.

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    • $16.00
  • March Madness Close Combat

    March Madness Close Combat

    8 scenarios that focus on the need to get into Close Combat.

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    • $15.00
  • March Madness Hollis Pack

    March Madness Hollis Pack

    New for 2017, the Kansas City ASL Club & Encircled Productions proudly announces for sale the ASL March Madness 2017 Hollis Pack. Nine historical scenarios and one non-historical with a map of the Hollis Center where the KC ASL Club meets.

    MM33 Ariete on Totensonntag, Libya 1941, 5 turns
    MM34 Yevpatoriya Mop Up, Crimea 1942, 7.5 turns
    MM35 Panzer Takes the High Ground, Tunisia 1943, 5 turns
    MM36 The 9TH Sees The Elephant, Tunisia, 1943, 9 turns
    MM37 Ninety Night, Sicily 1943, 7 turns
    MM38 Eliminating The LVR, Poland 1944, 7 turns
    MM39 Bicycle Race, Normandy 1944, 7.5 turns
    MM40 Ochota Revenge, Warsaw 1944, 8 turns
    MM41 Final Victory, Warsaw 1944, 7 turns
    MM For Fun1 Rooting Them Out, Present Day, 4.5 turns

    In addition to the scenario cards there is a full color map for the MM For Fun 1 and a play aid for MM41.
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    • $15.00
  • March Madness Players Pack

    March Madness Players Pack

    The Kansas City ASL Club presents the March Madness 2018 Players Pack. A scenario pack with 10 scenarios. All were designed by club members. The scenario are as follows: 

    MM 42 I Want To Be A Millionaire, Finland 1940 8 turns. 30 Russian squads and 6 tanks attack 9 Finnish squads and an AT gun.
    MM 43 Meuse - French Counter Attack, France 1940 6.5 turns. 10 French tanks attack 3 German AT guns.
    MM 44 Cassel Defense, France 1940 6.5 turns. 14 German squads and 5 AFV attack 6.5 British squads with an AT gun.
    MM 45 Platamon Castle, Greece 1941 6.5 turns. 12 German squads and 5 tanks attack 11 British squads.
    MM 46 Take That Hill, Crete 1941 6 turns. 11 German squads attack 8 British squads with 2 tanks as reinforcements.
    MM 47 The Brickworks, Russia 1942 5 turns. 13 German squads and 2 AFV attack 6 Russian squads and an AT gun.
    MM 48 Porytowe Hill, Poland 1944 7 turns. 12 German squads attack 15 Partisan squads.
    MM 49 The Other Side of the Tracks, France 1944 5 turns. 14 American squads attack 8 German squads.
    MM 50 The Wrong Choice, Belgium 1944 6 turns. 28 German squads and 20 AFV attack 20 American squads with 16 AFV.
    MM 51 Firefight on Weinbourg Ridge, France 1945 6.5 turns. 14 German squads attack 16 American squads at night.

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    • $15.00
  • March Madness Three Player Pack

    March Madness Three Player Pack

    Six scenarios that focus on 3 players.  This pack's action picks up with three scenarios featuring Partisans, Germans and Soviets. The pack includes a unique two-part scenario by designer Paul Works; the scenarios can be played separately or in sequence, with rules for both options on the scenario card. Finally, there is an ahistorical scenario, taking place in the heart of Africa. Published by the KCASL Club.

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    • $15.00